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Everything you should know about Hepatitis B on this World Hepatitis Day
3 min read

We’ve all heard about Hepatitis B since childhood – a liver disease caused by the Hepatitis B Virus (HBV). The virus causes pathological damage to the infected people by hampering the proper functioning of the liver, and in some cases, it becomes impossible for the infected people to get rid of the disease.

It has been seen that people who get chronically infected by the Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) are at a higher risk of death from conditions such as liver cancer and cirrhosis of the liver.

How Does Hepatitis B Spread?

HBV is spread in the same manner as HIV – the only difference being that HBV is 50-100 times more infectious than HIV. The disease can affect any person who comes in contact with the body fluids or blood of an infected person.

Some of the easiest ways of the spread of HPV include:

  • Transmission of disease from mother to child at the time of birth
  • Child-to-child
  • Unsafe blood transfusions and injections
  • Unsafe sexual practices

Prior to the development of the Hepatitis B vaccine, the infection was widespread and affected a large population of children in developing countries. Also, reusing the unsterilized syringes and needles, mother-to-child, and child-to-child, especially in household environment, were regarded as the major causes for the spread of the virus.

Misconceptions about Hepatitis B Infection

Many people have common misconceptions about the Hepatitis B infection. However, it is important to know the infection does not spread by:

  • Breastfeeding
  • Sharing eating utensils
  • Kissing or hugging
  • Holding hands
  • Use of public swimming pools
  • Coughing or sneezing

How To Stay Protected From Hepatitis B Infection?

Getting vaccinated is the best way to stay protected from Hepatitis B infection. It is recommended that all children and adolescents who have not yet been vaccinated, and are below 19 years old should get vaccinated for Hepatitis B infection. Also, unvaccinated adults whose sex partners suffer from Hepatitis B should also take the vaccination.

The Hepatitis B vaccination was developed in 1982 and ever since then, over 1 billion of its doses have been used. Moreover, the vaccine is highly effective in preventing chronic infections from developing, and has an impeccable safety record.

Although the best pharmaceutical companies manufacture high-quality medications to treat acute Hepatitis B infection, it is extremely important to get vaccinated and take all precautionary measures in order to keep the condition at bay. If by chance you suffer from chronic infection, it is advisable to only consume medications manufactured by the top medicine company in India or strictly follow the treatment plan as directed by the doctor in order to ensure faster recovery.

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